Dear Parishioner,
As part of our ongoing effort to enhance the life of worship at the Riverview Catholics family of Parishes, and with a desire to be responsible stewards of the gifts the Lord provides, we have decided to invest in a set of hard-bound hymnals for Our Lord Christ the King, Holy Cross Immaculata, and St Rose rather than continuing to use disposable yearly hymnals.
Financially, the decision was easy. Currently we are spending almost $12,000 per year on soft cover hymnals between Christ the King, St Rose & Holy Cross Immaculata Parishes. This is a great expense. The new hard-bound hymnal cost will be approximately $22,000 for all 3 Parishes and will last at least fifteen years. After ten years, this would result in savings of nearly $98,000 across the parishes!
Environmentally, a hardbound hymnal will cut back significantly on waste, as we will no longer be disposing of hundreds of hymnals each year.
Musically and liturgically, our new hymnal – Saint Michael Hymnal – will be a great improvement, which is the most important and certainly most exciting factor of all. Our current hymnals have been in use for over 15 years. In that time, the Church has extensively revised the Mass, and this requires our hymnals to be updated.
For this exciting addition to our liturgical life, we seek your assistance. In the long term, the hymnal will save us a considerable sum, but it does require a larger financial commitment upfront. We invite you to donate toward the purchase of these hymnals and accompaniments to the Parishes in honor of or in memory of a loved one. We are asking for donations of $35.00 per hymnal.